Not Even Scientists Can Easily Explain P-values

P-values have taken quite a beating lately. These widely used and commonly misapplied statistics have been blamed for giving a veneer of legitimacy to dodgy study results, encouraging bad research …

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What Is a P-Value ? How to translate intuitively this concept !? Not even the scientists agree in that…



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Microsoft lança ferramenta de encriptação para dados bioinformáticos

Allows researchers to work on data securely.

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A Microsoft está às necessidades futura de privacidade nos acessos aos dados bioinformáticos. Cada vez vão existir laboratórios, hospitais que vão trabalhar com dados obtidos de sequenciação e é necessário protegê-los como quaisquer outros dados clínicos.


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Birth of Planets! Formation of Alien Worlds Photographed for 1st Time

Scientists have photographed a gas-giant planet forming around a young, sunlike star called LkCa 15, which lies about 450 light-years from Earth.

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See on Scoop.itAnother Earths in the Universe

The five habits of bad bioinformaticians

When ever I see bad bioinformatics, a little bit of me dies inside, because I know there is ultimately no reason for it to have happened.  As a community, bioinformaticians are wonderfully open, co…

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Cinco maus hábitos que os bioinformáticos reincidem…

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BMC Bioinformatics | Abstract | An investigation of causes of false positive single nucleotide polymorphisms using simulated reads from a small eukaryote genome

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are widely used molecular markers, and their use has increased massively since the inception of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies, which allow detection of large numbers of SNPs at low cost. However, both NGS data and their analysis are error-prone, which can lead to the generation of false positive (FP) SNPs. We explored the relationship between FP SNPs and seven factors involved in mapping-based variant calling — quality of the reference sequence, read length, choice of mapper and variant caller, mapping stringency and filtering of SNPs by read mapping quality and read depth. This resulted in 576 possible factor level combinations. We used error- and variant-free simulated reads to ensure that every SNP found was indeed a false positive.

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Num trabalho liderado por um português, este estudo permite determinar até que ponto as actuais pipelines de análise e assemblagem pós-sequenciação pode gerar falsos  SNPs.

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520-million-year-old arthropod brains turn paleontology on its head

Science has long dictated that brains don’t fossilize, so when Nicholas Strausfeld co-authored the first ever report of a fossilized brain in a 2012 edition of Nature, it was met with “a lot of flack.”

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Pensava-se que a massa cinzenta era impossível de fossilizar, mas pelos vistos este artrópode de há 500 000 000 anos é a prova contrária disso

See on Scoop.itMilhares de milhões de anos… a mesma Terra !